Friday, September 17, 2010

KVOA's Kristi Tedesco visits AVHS

Greetings Lobos,
Today we hosted our annual Career College Fair. My classroom was fortunate to have KVOA's anchor Kristi Tedesco visit.
The students had many relevant questions are were engage at the comments and advice that Kristi gave.
Thanks to Ed Wagner for setting this up.
We are grateful for the opportunity to have a local television news personality come to our class to inspire us to seek success in our lives!
Mr. Rodriguez

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lobo Students Pay Tribute to First Responders

Greetings Lobos,

Saturday marks the 9th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

Our class studied the events and we decided that we would pay tribute to our local Police and Firefighters by writing letters of thanks.

My letter reads:

Dear Officer/Firefighter,
My name is David Rodriguez and I am a teacher at Alta Vista High School in Tucson, Arizona.
We studied the events of September 11th in our American History classes. I wish to take this moment to thank you for your service to our community. I have known of the courage and sacrifice shown by the police and fire departments of New York City, Washington D.C. and Shanksville that fateful day. I also realize that you show that same courage and sacrifice on a daily basis in order to keep me safe.
On behalf of my community, my school, my peers, and my family: THANK YOU!

David Rodriguez
Alta Vista High School
Tucson, Arizona
This weekend, please take a few moments to remember.
Thank you.
Mr. Rodriguez

Lobos are NEVER gymless!

Greetings Lobos!

Thanks to the philosophy I learned at of 'Never Being Gymless' we are better people.

Here are some photos of our class using a community park's soccer goal as the anchor for our suspension strap workout. AnJeanine, a member of our Volleyball squad is demonstrating a bench press and curl combination along with what is known as an 'Atomic Crunch' which is a push up followed by a crunch while your feet are suspended. A 'killer' excercise!!

Miguel is demonstrating a suspended pull up and a successful dismount!

Isabel is demonstrating an alternating deltoid raise.

There are too many reasons not to be active. We work very hard to find reasons to work out. There is no excuse in our class. We workout everyday and we are better people because of our collective attitudes.

Thanks again to Alta Vista for allowing me to teach this fantastic course. Thank you also to my students for working hard!

Fire up and Go Lobos!
Coach Rod

Friday, September 3, 2010

Stadium Running Lobo Style!

Alta Vista High School is very fortunate to have the use of the Kino Memorial Center and Tucson Electric Park for our Fitness Strategies class. Every 5 weeks we challenge ourselves with running the stadium steps at TEP. Today we ran 22 rows of steps with an average of 20 steps per row for a total of 440 steps.

We accomplished this twice in 20 minutes for a grand total of 880 steps!

Here are a few post-run photos of the 2010 Block One Fitness Strategists!
I want to thank my students for working hard the past 5.5 weeks. Their bodies are changing because they are choosing to work beyond their comfort zone. I am proud of them and look forward to a great second half of the block!

Enjoy and have a great Labor Day weekend!!