My wonderful daughter Ani (10) taught her dad a valuable lesson on the impact of simplicity. She and her sister Maile (7) created a cut out turkey out of construction paper and proceeded to create the feather's of the turkey with cut out hands. Within the hands was written what they were thankful for. My daughters' turkey is proudly displayed in my home.
I decided to take this very simple approach and apply it to my students.
I asked my daughter to re-create the turkey and then have my students trace their hands so as to make the feathers. The students then were asked to write in their hand what they were thankful for. The following are pictures of our version of the Thanksgiving turkey.
I believe it is important to take a moment, daily, to thank my students for everything they do for me in our classes. They are the reason I am a teacher. I find equally important to let the staff, support personnel, and faculty know how grateful I am for what they do for our students on a daily basis. After reading each hand I feel a tremendous sense of community with the campus.
Thank You Lobos for everything you do.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Mr. Rodriguez
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