Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Final Exam Week October 5-8
As we finish our 9th week we have a few reminders for everyone.
First: Spirit Week has been fantastic!
Monday: Mismatch Day
Tuesday: Breast Cancer Awareness Day (Wear Pink)
Wednesday: Tie Day
Thursday: Super Hero Day
Friday: Class Color Day + Spirit Assembly!
Continue to show your Lobo Pride by dressing up according to the daily theme.
Second: Final Exams begin next week!
We will be reviewing the semester's information and practicing on Monday and Tuesday of next week.
We will begin our final exam (100 questions) on Wednesday. We will finish on Thursday along with finalizing our grades. There is no school on Friday (School Grading Day).
My advice to Lobo Students is:
Continue to be here everyday.
Continue to turn in your work on time.
Continue to strive for excellence.
Let's finish the block strong together!
Mr. Rodriguez
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Looking at the Future Quick Write American History 9/23/09
'If there were no restrictions put on you, what job/work/carreer would you pursue?'
The students were to list 5 'dream' jobs they would pursue.
The students then turned to a neighbor and shared their list before sharing selections of their list with the group.
My Dream 5 were:
1. Teach/Coach Oceanside, CA
2. Coach College Football
3. Be a roadie for Motley Crue
4. Work on the beach
5. Own/run a silkscreening business
Some of the student's responses were:
Professional piano player, own a music label, CEO of a fashion line, broadcasting engineer, be a Marine, chef, jet pilot, own a shoe company (skateboard), animator, pro soccer athlete, doctor, pro baseball player, CSI, Sniper, Video Game programmer, movie director, automotive design engineer, author.
The second half of the question was: What happens if your 'dream' job doesn't materialize? What is the back up plan?
This line of questioning made students realize that they must always have a back up plan while pursuing their 'dream'.
My back up/fall back plan to my dream 5 was
1. Teach/Coach in Tucson, AZ. (I already taught and coached in Oceanside for 8 years).
2. Coach Junior College football in Tucson.
3. Be a roadie for a Motley Crue tribute band (sometimes the tribute bands are better than the real thing!)
4. Visit the beach as often as possible.
5. Lean the silkscreen business during the off season.
The student's responses were as follows:
Nurse, Police officer, real estate agent, math teacher, join the armed forces, photo journalist, baseball coach, lawyer, go to college, mechanic school, graphic designer, Chef, probation officer, construction and excavating, firefighter, editor of a fashion magazine, animal care taker, dental assistant, radiologist, interior designer, cosmetologist, soccer coach.
Our students are as talented as any around. They sometimes don't realize just how talented they are. They are universally thankful for Alta Vista High School and the support they receive on a daily basis.
I'm thankful for having great students who work very hard for me daily.
Go Lobos!
Mr. Rodriguez
Joker's Wild Workout Fitness Strategies 9/24/09
As we come to the end of our 8th week, we continue to find new ways to keep our workouts fresh.
Today we did what we describe as 'Joker's Wild'. We have a deck of cards that represent the possibility of 54 separate excercises (52 cards + 2 jokers).
Each card is given a value:
Joker = 50 repetitions, Aces = 30 repetitions, Face Cards = 20 repetitions, 10 Cards = 10 repetitions, and number cards = face value of the number.
Today we completed 20 separate movements for a total of 237 repetitions. The Lobos got their sweat on today and kept the workout fresh! Below is a list of what they accomplished
Push Ups, Crunches, Muscle Ups, Plyometric Vertical Jumps, Jumping Jacks, 4 laps around the ramada area ( around 250 meters per lap), Pull Ups, Tricep Dips on a bench, Incline push ups on a bench, Cartwheels, Leg lifts, Yoga planks.
No Joker's today but we had a few face cards, 10's and aces.Another great day at the Kino Center!
Fire Up!
Coach Rod
Lobo Freerunning (Parkour) Video Style! 9/24/09
It was filmed with a 4 year old Kodak digital camera (5.0 megapixel).
It was put together on a 6 year old HP Laptop with Windows Movie Maker.
Took me a couple of hours to put together (old technology crashed a couple of times but thankfully auto-saved most of the project:) It should be easier from now on.
The students look really neat on film and truly work their tails off for me in class. This is my first tribute to them. I just hope I do them justice with this 1st project. Thanks go out to the Kino Center for allowing us to use their fantastic facilities and to Alta Vista High School for giving me the opportunity to do what I truly love to do: Teach and coach students.
Fire Up! Coach Rod.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Airborne! Parkour/Freerunning Lobo Style! Part I 9/21/09
Fire Up!
Friday, September 18, 2009
American History Puzzle Challenge Champions Period 1 9/18/09
Russian Kettlebell Workout, Lobo Style!
Russian Kettlebells (girya) are very popular in today's cutting edge physical fitness programs.
The kettlebell has
However, the kettlebell is not necessarily a new device. It first appeared in a Russian dictionary in 1704 (Cherkikh, 1994) and was said to be used by Russian Royalty and the Special Forces of the military. Today the device is popular among many military, police, and mixed martial arts (MMA) practitioners.
They come in both kilogram and pound varieties (depending on your preference).
They start as low as 5 lbs. and work their way up to over 100 lbs.
Common Kettlebell lifts are:
Kettlebell swing (The above photos are examples of one and two arm swings)
Kettlebell snatch
Kettlebell jerk
Kettlebell Power Clean Squat Thrust
I personally enjoy the kettlbell because it breaks up the monotony of a workout cycle and keeps my workouts 'fresh'. Make no mistake, I am super sore when I wake up the next morning, but that means I accomplished something the day before.
We used them in what are known in the fitness world as 'Rounds'.
A typical round would include
- two hand kettlebell swings (minimum of 20 reps)
- one armed overhead shoulder press (minimum of 15 reps)
- 4 point burpies (minimum of 20)
- Incline Sprints (using a nearby hill, minimum of 5)
- Jumping Jacks (minimum of 50)
We would then complete 3 to 4 rounds, time permitting.
The kettlebells are widely available today at your local big box department store or sporting goods store. You can also purchase them online. Just search for 'kettlebells' in your browser and multiple sites will pop up.
I purchased mine at GNC (10 lbs), Sport Authority (15 lbs) and Wal-Mart (20 lbs).
I plan to purchase a couple of more (25 lbs and 30 lbs) in the next few weeks.
Fire Up!